A permanent record

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Temp temp temp...

I have another temping job! From Friday, for a week and a day (and possibly a bit more after graduation week) I will be working for...Antony! Now, this may sound like a bad idea, but it's not, I promise - I'll be working for him and some other people, and I won't feel bad about bothering him if I need to ask questions, I have already met many of the people he works with, and I know the layout of the office. Plus he can get me out of bed in the mornings! What could be better?! Marvellous.

In other news, I have finally managed to cancel my 3 contract (despite them trying to sell me another one and then trying to get me onto pay as you go instead!) and it will stop functioning in a month's time (not ideal, but good enough I suppose). All I have to do now is cancel my direct debit once the bill for this month has been paid. Hurrah!

Congratulations are due to the very lovely Mark Leach (education officer-elect at Kent Students' Union and general awesome dude - www.marksed.com) who got a 2:1 for his degree!! :-D Well done Mark!

Today I am mostly doing... not much! I'm going to read a french paper I bought last week and then probably do some reading (for next year's courses). Ah, the student life...!
L xx


  • Good to hear that the Uni got you too! All one big happy family....

    Give me a shout and I'll come over to Uni House for some lunch if you want.

    Chris xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:37 PM  

  • huzzah for 2:1's!! can't believe I am actually reading this as my pooter should be packed away for tomorrow's manic move, but nevermind. am going away for a week or so now so marksed will go dark, but all is very very very very mega indeed at the moment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:32 AM  

  • Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:29 AM  

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